Yuka Sawamura, also known as Fontaine, was raped by Brodia and the incident was broadcasted to the world, but her memories of that time were taken away and she returned to her daily life. - However, his younger sister Fontaine Parfait was missing... - The town's electronics shop, which has been transformed into the monster Kadedenka by Brodia, goes on a rampage, and Yuka once again becomes Fontaine and throws herself into the fight! - Fontaine's energy is taken away from her crotch by Kadedenka's vacuum cleaner arm! - In a desperate situation, Parfait, who was supposed to be missing, appears! - However, Brodia also shows up and the two are in a pinch again! - ! - Then, Fontaine, who was raped by Brodia, regained her memories and became Fontaine = Abyss, who fell into evil! - Abyss attacks Parfait and steals her energy, causing her desire to run wild... - [BAD END]
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