Rei Shiraishi, also known as Bird White, a member of the Bird Soldiers, is interrogated by a female leader of an evil organization, Rezuakadze, using intense pain and pleasure, but she endures without giving in. - However, he is known to be sensitive to tickling. - Knowing his weakness, Rezuakatze attacks with tickling gas, tickles her relentlessly even in battle, captures Rei who came to investigate undercover, ties her to a bed all day and tickles her, and takes Yellow hostage to prevent her movements and forcefully attacks her. - White was tortured with various types of tickling, including having his armpits exposed and being tickled. - Waiting for the captured White was further tickling torture by Rezuakatze and Yellow, who had fallen for the enemy. - Will White be able to withstand the fierce tickling? - ? - [BAD END]
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