Haruka Araki, a 30-year-old housewife with a toned, athletic body, devoted herself to Kendo when she was a student. - A family of three, my husband, a company employee, and my daughter, who have been together since college. - ``It can't be helped that my frequency decreased after I got pregnant, but that didn't change after I gave birth...On the contrary, my sex drive increased (lol),'' says Haruka, shyly. - ``When I can't hold back, I use my fingers or an electric massager...'' I have been making up for the lack of sex once a month with masturbation. - ``Actually, my husband and I both experienced it for the first time, so I wondered if sex actually felt even better, so I decided to apply and have a good professional actor take the lead.''My first time having an affair, I filmed an AV. - I will do my best to meet the expectations of my chosen wife, and thoroughly enjoy the stimulation and pleasure of another man's cock.
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