The 9th installment of the popular "Affair" series features young wives and mature women in their 20s to 60s who are driven by sexual desire during their self-restraint lives, indulge in love affairs with male relatives, and eventually abandon their homes. - Depicts 15 sexual stories that automatically fall into the abyss. - Incest is not a phenomenon that started recently; it has been seen in myths and human history since ancient times, regardless of age or status, and the idea that incest is taboo has spread. - It is said that it was only in modern times. - In particular, sexual love with male relatives, nephews, and sons-in-law was valued as a quick way to satisfy married women's desire to have an affair. - Young wives and mature women who are stressed out due to self-restraint and feel guilty, but leave their cute children at daycare centers or school children, and get drunk on the great pleasure of the hard, hot cocks of male relatives at motels, love hotels, and hot spring inns far from their homes. - , a story of 15 ``incest'' stories of 16 unfaithful wives who revealed their secrets and fell into infidelity.
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